Sunday, October 21, 2012

Not a Snowy Egret........

What a great surprise to see a White Heron on Lake Afton!  I originally mistook it for a Snowy Egret.  After some research --- it's a White Heron.  I learned something new!  Here, standing in the midst of a fallen tree branch.

Flapping his wings as he (or she) gracefully moves from one branch to another.

Interesting fact: Snowy Egrets have bright yellow feet!  White Herons have black feet, matching their black legs. 

Like the Blue Heron, they are just so fascinating to watch!

Uh oh.  Now he's doing the watching!

Just can't get enough.  I was just compelled to continue to look at him.


He looks like he might pounce on some unsuspecting fish

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It seemed like he was posing for a picture so I thought I'd oblige