Sunday, April 15, 2012

They're here!! Baby Geese!!!

Oh, my goodness!  How cute!! 

The same 5 baby geese, aka goslings.  With their mom standing behind them.

So hard to believe that these tiny things will grow up to be Canadian Geese!  Notice the one on the far left - his feathers look wet and appear to be sticking up in the air.  Maybe his mom licked his feathers into place :)

Mean Mr. Goose ruffling his feathers to show me he's protecting the little ones.  He's appointed himself the male nanny for this family this year.  Every year he appoints himself as the nanny to a family of Canadian Geese with their newborns and takes his job quite seriously!

Geese with new offspring stay close to the waters edge where the area resembles a shoreline.  It will be a while before the little ones can fly or jump in or out of the water at an embankment.

By the end of the summer it will be hard to remember how tiny they started out!

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